Naomi VanDoren

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NEX Fall Bazaar Setup & Calendar Prints

Tomorrow is a big day! I spent the better part of Wednesday and Thursday preparing prints, frames and extras for the NEX Fall Bazaar. Today was setup, I'm so incredibly pleased with how it looks, and tomorrow morning it begins! I realize now that I should have been mentioning the show earlier (and not the night before) but I've been swamped and really there isn't much I can do about it now. :)

If you're in the area and thinking about coming consider arriving early. I imagine a lot of the good stuff will probably be gone by Sunday afternoon and I would hate for you to miss out. Event times can be found here.

If you've been following along on the Cat Calendar project you'll already know that they've been printed and are just waiting for next week to be shipped! I'm really happy with how they turned out. The size is perfect for over a desk or near the kitchen. You'll have to let me know where you hang yours.