Arizona: Day 3

This morning my mom and I took off in the little honda my grandparents own to see a bit of Sedona. I've been there before, to the shops and the Church in the rocks, but this trip I was in search of photographic locations. Our first stop was Oak Creek Canyon. Before the canyon begins there are the ruins of Mayhew Lodge, mostly the fire places, some walls and foundation are all that remain, here and there bleached wood beams. There was also a little shack with a roof falling in and a little cave that looked like it was used as a cellar. If you are not familiar with my work, I love abandoned and neglected places. Into the canyon the trail crossed over the creek several times. The only way across was over stones or logs. Great practice in balancing while holding a tripod in one hand, a camera around my neck and a backpack over my shoulder. We only took the trail up about half a mile, I went on past the first few scenic formations to see if there was more to see beyond but the trail seemed to trail off into the woods so I turned back.

The last portion of our day was spent at an overlook on the way to Red Rock Crossing. My last photo here is of Cathedral Rock. I have several panoramic shots of this location I hope to share when I return home.


Oak Creek Canyon

Oak Creek Canyon

Oak Creek Canyon

Oak Creek Canyon HDR

Oak Creek Canyon

Oak Creek Canyon

Oak Creek Canyon

Oak Creek Canyon HDR




Arizona: Day 4


Arizona: Day 2